The Catacombs of Paris

As I have mentioned in a previous post, my overseas trip last May was the most unplanned of all my travels. I seriously didn’t have a detailed itinerary and just went where my feet took me. On my first day in Paris, my host gave me a map of the city and while I was perusing the ins and out of the Metro, I noticed that, situated at South Western part of Port Royal were the Catacombs of Paris. Being the macabre person that I am (I admit that – I love Zombie flicks and other scary films – however those who know me can attest to the fact that I’m as bright and cheerful as a sunny day in January) I desperately wanted to see this place. I’ve read about the Catacombs in text books and I think we discussed this briefly in one of the many history classes I had to take while I was at Uni.

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Raiding Martha’s Pantry

One of the girls who used to work where I work dropped by to say hello this morning. Since it was close to 10:oo am, it was decided that we’d all have morning tea and a chinwag at the Laundromat (the cafe is actually called Laundry – must make a mental note to try out that place sometime soon) but they haven’t opened yet so we proceeded to the girly-50’s inspired cafe that is Martha’s Pantry which is located at the corner of Karo Drive and Cuba Street.

Delectable Delicacies on Offer
Delectable Delicacies on Display

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Sunday at Somes Island

So, last Sunday, I spent a good part of the day on Somes / Matiu Island, a Scientific and Historic Reserve just a few kilometres off Wellington.

Matiu / Somes Island
Matiu / Somes Island

The island, which obviously is accessible only by boat (East by West Ferries), has a total area of 24.9 hectares (62 acres) and, because it is the breeding ground and home to a lot of exotic animals such as skinks, tuataras, blue penguins (among others), Matiu / Somes is under the full control of the Department of Conservation (otherwise known as DOC). Yesterday, however, the tranquil little island became a quarantined area and the DOC even issued a warning on their website! Screen shot below:

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